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Statement of U Soe Win at the UN's 13th Conference of the State Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

U Soe Win spoke at a roundtable even at the UN's CRPD Conference in 2020. This is what he said.

TLM representatives outside the UN building in New York
How was leprosy represented at the UN's disability conference and was it enough?

The Leprosy Mission attended the UN's 16th Conference of State Parties on the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disability in June 2023.

TLM's Side Event at the UN's CRPD Conference 2022 (COSP15)

On Friday 17 June 2022, TLM hosted a side event at the UN's CRPD Conference, alongside our partners, Disabled Peoples' International

Ana smiling to camera
Leprosy and the 3rd COSP16 Roundtable: Reaching the under-represented groups of persons with disabilities

The Co-Chair of the 3rd Roundtable at the 2023 CRPD Conference was Ana Ivonia from The Leprosy Mission Timor-Leste

Statement on the next Special Rapporteur on the elimination of discrimination against persons affected by leprosy and their family members

The Leprosy Mission calls on the United Nations to select someone with personal experience of leprosy as the next Special Rapporteur on the elimination of discrimination against persons affected by leprosy and their family members.

Self-help group members in Bangladesh meet together, sat in a group in plastic chairs
Facilitating for Rights, Entitlements and Empowerment (FREE)

The FREE project aims to improve living conditions for persons affected by leprosy through increasing access to government entitlements and services.

Brent Morgan and Amar Timalsina represent TLM at the UN in New York
Statement of Mr. Brent Morgan, made before the CRPD Conference on 13 June 2018

Brent Morgan, TLM International Director, spoke at the UN's 11th CRPD Conference in 2018. This is the statement he delivered.

Ashok, the lorry driver breadwinner of his family.

Ashok life is transformed after attending the Vocational Training Centre. After being hospitalised for leprosy, he is now providing for his family in a job that he loves.

Thresia, who overcame self-stigma to pursue her dreams

Because of a leprosy diagnosis, Thresia experienced self-stigma and feared being teased at school. Now, she's back studying and ready to pursue her dreams.

Niranjan from Bihar is a happy patient at our Delhi hospital
Why don’t our hospitals only focus on leprosy?

How does a broader medical focus help us to achieve our goal of zero leprosy? Dr Rajeev Nathan, Medical Superintendent of TLM Community Hospital, New Delhi, explains more.

TLM Switzerland CEO, Markus, meets with a representative from Bangladesh's permanent mission to the UN in Geneva
Taking a petition to the UN Human Rights Council - 2021

In October 2021, TLM presented a petition to permanent missions to the UN in Geneva. The petition called for an end to all laws that discriminate against persons affected by leprosy.

A gathering of women in brightly colored saris
Women for Health Advocacy Livelihoods & Empowerment (WHALE)

WHALE seeks to reduce the discrimination and gender inequality women with and without leprosy face in Muzaffarpur, India, getting them involved in their community and empowering them to self-advocate.

A man on a hospital bed in Myanmar looks to his left, at the photographer. He is proudly wearing a Liverpool FC top.
The problem with comparing Covid-19 and leprosy

There have been headlines across the world since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic which have seen people compare Covid-19 with leprosy. Any comparisons between these diseases are inaccurate at best and harmful at worst.