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Pray with us

©Ruth Towell

How you can pray with us

Prayer is central to all that we do. We would love you to be involved in the prayer life of The Leprosy Mission. Each year we produce the ASK Prayer Diary, which provides a global overview of The Leprosy Mission’s work. You can view the ASK Prayer Diary week by week below, download a PDF of the full year, or request a printed booklet.

You can also follow our prayer life through the PrayerMate app, where we provide daily prayer requests for the work to defeat leprosy delivered direct to your phone. Get involved with PrayerMate here.

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CEO Peter Waddup chats Doli, a patient affected by leprosy at Premananda Hospital, India.


Give thanks that Christ is at the centre of our work. Pray that He continues to draw close to the team, inspiring, guiding and opening doors. Praise Him that He is Jehovah Jireh, the God who provides and pray that we never forget to exalt His name.


Pray for our small Supporters Relations team, as they take telephone calls from supporters. May God give them His words as they pray for people in times of personal need. Pray that the Lord will use them to honour supporters who give so faithfully to help people affected by leprosy.


Pray for our Policy Officer as she works to influence decision-makers to increase the prioritisation of leprosy in government programmes. Pray that the UK Government reinstates its commitment to spending 0.7% of our national income on aid.


Pray that, together with field partners, we design projects that meet the needs of people affected by leprosy. May God provide wisdom so that we present funding applications in a compelling way, approach the correct donors, and ultimately receive the funding we need to defeat leprosy and transform lives.


Pray that everything we do points people to Jesus. May staff be protected as they serve as Jesus’ hands and feet, and have opportunities to share His love. We pray that many would come to know the Living God.


Pray for research work across the globe. Ask that God will lead us to develop an early diagnostic test for leprosy that will be a successful tool in ending transmission of this disease.


Give thanks for the love and compassion of supporters. This amazing group of faithful people make the work of The Leprosy Mission happen through prayer and giving. Despite the cost of living crisis, their commitment to people affected by leprosy is unfaltering. Please pray that God blesses them as they bless others.

About TLM Great Britain

The Leprosy Mission Great Britain family is spread far and wide across England, Scotland, Wales, The Channel Islands and The Isle of Man. We support ten countries across Africa and Asia, working together to design, implement and fund projects which transform communities affected by leprosy. Christ is at the centre of everything we do. We meet every morning to seek God’s leading in our work. We also pray for people affected by leprosy and our wider family of faithful supporters, volunteers and colleagues overseas.