How will we reach the finishing line in the race to end leprosy?
How will we reach the finishing line in the race to end leprosy?

Ending leprosy transmission
Ending the transmission of leprosy across the world is now an achievable goal. We believe this because, for the first time in the 4,000 year history of leprosy, the coming years will bring us all the tools we need to end leprosy.
Tool 1:
For the first time, we have a WHO-approved way to prevent leprosy. This is currently being rolled out in nations across the world and we expect the effects to be dramatic. Cheaply and effectively, leprosy has become a preventable disease.
Tool 2:
Scientists are currently perfecting diagnostic tests that will simplify leprosy diagnosis in a way that has never been see before. We will see people diagnosed and started on treatment in moments, even in the most remote settings.
Tool 3:
Perhaps most excitingly, researchers are testing leprosy vaccines. An approved leprosy vaccine is a realistic possibility in the years ahead and it will be a game changer.
A world without leprosy is possible. We have the tools and the expertise to make this possible. What we lack is the right resources and political commitment.
Ending leprosy-related disability and discrimination
Ending leprosy is about much more than stopping the transmission of a disease. Leprosy causes disabilities that individuals live with for their whole lives. Leprosy comes with stigma and discrimination that can follow people wherever they go.
Our work as a Mission will not be finished when we have ended transmission. We will continue to innovate and find solutions to the challenges of leprosy-related and disability and discrimination for as long as there are individuals who need our support. Thanks to our growing partnerships with Organisations of Persons Affected by Leprosy, this work is going from strength to strength.