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The Leprosy Mission International
80 Windmill Road, Brentford, Middlesex, TW8 0QH, United Kingdom
Company Registration no: 3591514
Registered Charity No: 1076356
Insight into our work across the globe, as well as our thoughts and perspectives on the fight against leprosy today.
Sign up to receive TLM's quarterly Leprosy Insights Magazine, and receive information, news, insights, best practice tips, opinion pieces, and more straight to your inbox. Sign up today and read the latest edition below.
I'm Taranath from Nepal and I invite you to see what leprosy has really meant for my life. See how stigma and fear has affected me in almost every area of my life and how I have overcome all of it.
Despite the difficulties many of us are facing due to Covid-19, now would be the worst time to forget about people affected by leprosy.
It is no coincidence that hardly any white people are diagnosed with leprosy.
Throughout history, the odious term ‘leper’ has been used as an insult to those affected by leprosy
People often have many of their human rights deprived from them when they are diagnosed with leprosy. This is in violation of the Universal Declaration of Human rights and it needs to change.