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A lady who attended our research clinic in Nepal
Our work to prevent leprosy through PEP

Details of TLM's work to develop a post-exposure prophylaxis that could prevent leprosy

Members of OPALCO - DR Congo's Leprosy Peoples' Organisation - laughing together in a meeting
How are partnerships with leprosy peoples’ organisations making our work stronger?

Leprosy Peoples’ Organisations must find themselves at the heart of efforts to defeat leprosy in the years to come.

International Leprosy Congress 2022

The International Leprosy Congress 2022 is taking place at the HITEX Exhibition Center, HICC Novotel, Hyderabad, India from 08-11 November. The Leprosy Mission will be present throughout the conference through presentations and at the exhibition centre.

A man from Papua New Guinea wearing a blue shirt and sunglasses smiles at the camera
Advocacy opinion: The case for governments to address the mental health of people affected by leprosy

Sadly, the mental health of persons affected by leprosy and other Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) is yet to become a priority for governments in NTD endemic countries. This is something we ought to change right away.

Our work on the UN's CRPD

An overview of how we engage with the UN's Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disability

A victory for leprosy voices at the UN's Disability Conference - June 2021

At the UN's major disability rights conference in June 2021, we heard from several persons affected by leprosy who spoke powerfully about their experiences.

How can you prevent leprosy?

There is less than a 2 percent chance that a person who has been recently diagnosed with leprosy has passed the disease on to other people in their household.

Lilibeth, a barrister in Nigeria

All through her life, Lilibeth's experience of leprosy has made life harder for her. That hasn't stopped her achieving her dream of becoming a barrister in her native Nigeria.

Parbati sits with a visiting TLM staff member
Amidst all the myths around catching leprosy, we ask: what’s the truth?

Leprosy is a mildly infectious disease that is found mostly in poorer communities across the world. Around 200,000 people are diagnosed every year and there are many wrong beliefs about how you catch leprosy, so we asking: what is the truth?

A foot wound receives medical attention at one of our hospitals
Solving leprosy's ulcer problems

A look at TLM Nepal's work to solve some of the major leprosy ulcer issues

A girl in Sri Lanka wearing a face mask
5 reasons we were thankful in 2021

Covid-19 continued to hit communities hard throughout 2021, but we still have reasons to be thankful.